I started recently practicing brazilian jiu jitsu, because I got a bit bored of lifting weights or attending CrossFit classes. Well, I still believe CrossFit is an interesting sport. Yes, it is supposed to be a sport that has to do with lifting weights (olympic lifting), gymnastics, metcons and endurance. As a big guy I was lacking on the gymnastics and many parts of CrossFit. You learn a lot, how to be efficient and effective even if you weight 110 kgs.

After, looking for other sports, I got a little bit into rugby. Interesting.. The sport is a bit aggressive and I feel like teenager when I play because you can run through people and care about nothing. Also, you if you do a mistake or if you don’t know a rule, it’s still fine because experienced players didn’t know about those either. Very friendly sport, after each training we had a pint or two and chat about life for a bit. I still felt I needed something different that will be less impactful on my brain, I didn’t really like the impacts on the body and brain of rugby and also I didn’t really connected with the rugby culture, that I had to drink pints and do silly things. My club were not doing too many silly things but I still didn’t feel that connected.

After getting suggested (online), by Jocko Willink, Lex Fridman and Joe Rogan that everyone should do/try BJJ I said, enough is enough, I need to try it. I checked for a big school near me, 25 minutes away from me, not bad. The first classes were a bit scary.. I wasn’t sure if I should get out of the car. After that I felt like I joined a new family. Some people will see me, as a big boy, and be like let’s roll, because they want to see if their technique is working on a human on my size. Very interesting. I got obsessed and I am training 3-5 times a week now, my weight lifting plan is arranged to be for improving my grappling and I also bought some instructionals to watch while I am chilling. And also a flograppling membership to watch the pros competing. I feel Brazilian jiu jitsu is a growing sport and I think it is a benefit to everyone to learn or at least to try and make their mind think like, wtf? why this little man can pin me on the floor or even choke me?


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